Collection Inspiration
Every shoe in this collection is dedicated to a woman in my life, the women that have inspired me and taught me what it is to be strong and independent yet kind and nurturing. Women teach each other from their experiences about various things, my mother taught me to be kind, she taught me to be patient. My mother in law taught me to cook, she also taught me to speak Italian. While my friends taught me to love them and accept myself and them for all our faults. Each shoe is a reflection of each person.
Francesca is named after my professor at school in Milan who taught me about being approachable, every time I had a doubt she was always there to explain to me why certain things were the way they were, she is young and a very talented woman who is an expert at what she does. While, Silvia is dedicated to my sister in law, she knows what she wants and when she does not like something she makes sure that everyone knows it, on the other hand she is a wonderful mother of three who is always ready to accommodate herself for the better of her children.
Stela is bold and never shy, she taught me to be strong and patient in any tough situation, just as she is.
The ankle boot Marija is dedicated to my friend Marija who always had on ankle boots in Autumn which accentuated her sleek and slender figure.
Divya and Charlotte are named after my friends from school who have still kept in touch in spite of the distance. Whereas, Jovita is named after my childhood best friend who I shared many amazing memories with, she was the one to first take me to a night club, she taught me to sing, she also taught me to ride the train.
Women inspire women, we don’t realise this, but it is true. Therefore, I present my first collection in honour to all the women in my life and around the world. I hope you find your pair and enjoy it!